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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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easier to carry and also the central bank of afghanistan is totally oblivious act after the fact the same way that they acted about after the failure of one of the afghan banks they're also always behind the curve but shot assad's vice president says neither side can win in syria's conflict and who called for the creation of a national unity government to settle the crisis some opposition fighters have said they're open to seeing him lead an interim cabinet a neighboring turkey that considers him a credible candidate to replace him this is the message this is on the defensive on card and linked militants claim to have captured another lawless base while russia and china are a leading cause against foreign involvement in syria and want a political settlement instead we believe that the matter of the. should be decided by the syrian people not by the outside force. also
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forces say that i don't live in the sky i want to go. two for the chinese are the easiest not accept. because that you are following you don't you lack the leader of this country why should you the side that who should stay or should go so we have a problem with these that kind of statement. then you can see the full interview with the member of china's foreign policy advisory committee in about twenty minutes from now here on we'll be back with more news from half an hour from now in the meantime we'll get the latest from the world of business from the tasha that'll be after a short break. which
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is soften enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you're soft as a horse breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of bike of his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses were there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes they'd bite as well it's part of my everyday life. i horns been home to it the rats local just laugh for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in the morning the catch is always good and we always have enough here.
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if by call is often called the pearl of siberia and horn i said to be a. it's the end of think forest's few and last stops. it's also a place of version to barrage traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its customs well. you see pillars like this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asks the spirits to make the journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly becoming a magnet for nature lovers and you will seek others but those used to five star
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pampering maybe for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand you're quite out with the groups of illustration here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. you don't need to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the local so once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and again.
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how are you watching business artsy welcome to the program capital outflow from russia as always a topic of debate because it's so difficult to calculate as often thought to be exaggerated but now they can. atomised the russian direct investment fund ernst and young and the i am a see you designed a new method this approach excludes foreign transactions and offshore investments and as it turns out the situation isn't nearly as bad as originally thought let's now cross over to katie pilbeam for more analysis of this topic so katie basically capital flight is the old topic with a new twist exactly we've had loads of conversations about and as i say you know that as you said it's a new choice it's a new approach a new method that has been taken on because the russian government they've always
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felt sort of. because they said is not a fair kind collation as to what really happens what really happens to the russian economy so we've got analysis on how they came up with this new method if we look at the numbers to twenty eleven we're looking at amounts of eighty one billion topping that. as in twenty ten we were on track to sixty seven a billion so without further ado let's doesn't occur to me he's a c.e.o. of and he explains to his method he's behind it all but being that it takes all private capital flows and that figure is thirty two billion dollars but yourselves at the level of your speech a billion dollars in various wall big indexes calculated for wasn't two hundred countries. i was central bank is only used for russia and no other country that fishel the sort of uses that as a headline figure so that was also a very important result of a good little contradiction said phil but i think the figures exact calculated is the right figure what we are saying is that figures as a calculator is
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a lot of flight of capital and as a greek and we talk to central bank about it. so they are quite convincing really is that if we talk about the money that's leaving the billions of dollars natascha we've had a huge acquisitions which accounts for a lot of that we've had was nafta buying up to pay without specifying the pennies by joe of course that's a lot of money natascha leaving russia and that can account for well by be healthy but whichever way you slice it even if you slice of by how that is still like forty billion dollars that's a lot of money it's still a lot of money in this house but it's a step in the right direction and livy i think this new method this new style of calculation is really to impress the finance guys the investors as far as i can so we've heard from the chairman of russia and he's saying it's a positive thing but i mean the underlying problem which is that people want to take money out of the country that's still there very much so that it is indeed i
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think we're going to hear from the chairman and say that he might at contradict what you're saying to them. to be to russia it's a broad. transit. it's not it's. not you. know it's just the saudis are very substantial numbers and this is publicly available. information which you need to understand so i think the positives this analysis to show the difference between the russian side only if you. like. that's my belief. so there you have it that's his explanation for it all and where it is for the president of russia is conservative. and he did acknowledge as the outflow it's still too much and it needs to be addressed it needs to be dealt with on
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a permanent basis because as you say however way you slice it it needs to be reduced and he was also talking about the fact that he's going to limit the amount of accounts securities people can held outside the country and. while i'm sure this debate will go on and on right i'm sure will be talking about it well in the next year you know but actually i just want to say before i go that the first empty chair. yet he said but it doesn't matter right away it's not a fair assessment of the russian economy and it shouldn't be overexaggerated people . russia's energy draws nafta's negotiate. to raise money through future oil export sales the company needs cash to buy out the fees t m k b p rosneft agreed to pay twenty eight billion dollars in cash and shares for the company making it the largest acquisition in russia's history raising cash through export deals is common practice worldwide rosneft is
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approaching some of the industry's biggest. towing glencore the energy giant also plans to raise as much as ten billion dollars in one markets since it has plans to buy the gun markets t m t b p from the russian partners it will need a total of fifty five billion dollars to buy out russia's number three oil firm early on monday business or two spoke with ban arrows the editor in chief business new europe who said that this is really a very risky approach. part of the problem is there's just not enough money on the other side to rush medications that sort of thing and to going to forty billion dollars in such a social place of time means that the people you know money you borrowed from have simply run out of money in mt thing that's the interesting let's take a quick look at the equity markets here in russia they finished the day mixed as
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you can see there the my sags gained about a quarter of a percent while the r.t.s. shared about q thirds of a percent on monday now on the currency market trading higher to the u.s. dollar and here in russia the ruble ended the session lower to the major currencies russia's metals giant new rules can ecole officially named its major shareholder billionaire volume or pattani and as its next c.e.o. he will replace cold ski who is leaving with a one hundred million dollars severance package the biggest in russia's history for his part said on monday he will donate ten percent of his golden parachute to support the veterans of the f as be formally known as the k.g.b. and that's the latest from the business team you can always find a lot more interviews and news at r.t. dot com slash business.
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santagati dot com. would you join me in memory of china's foreign policy advisory committee and also former china's ambassador to the united nations and to france thank you very much for being with us today sir thank you i'm pleased to come to you so you have been in the foreign service for over fifty years now you've seen a lot of leadership change in your country china's new leader xi jinping we don't know much about him what kind of menacing personally i have several contacts with him not when he was after he was elected and then he invited me
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to. to keep. me about international relations. and he asked the senior people of the his prominence to come to the. conference the impression i got from that he's the main redy to learn. in the international radiation is that it's something all the chinese. people at their leading position they're. or so it's a man who is eager to learn one heck he came in the first think you said he highlighted that he is going to eliminate corruption within the communist party he stated that this was the main problem starting it every leader who becomes head of china says the same thing that he's going to fight corruption within the communist party is this just
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a populist statement or do you think this guy's really going to do that i think this is not a populist statement no corruption yes you are right but the scenes in the last ten years corruption and gets more and more serious a lot makes chinese very angry about it and they have this this time he said we have to be very serious serious when we crack down on corruption so this is one of the issues facing china and there he said when he saved that i think he's position is quite clear will not tolerate corruption will take whatever major which is necessary to crack down corruption you know i looked at the recent numbers and this year china's g.d.p. is expected to grow around seven point five percent and really the smallest amount since ninety nine. and that china is facing serious problems such as income
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inequality gender imbalance also environmental problems how will these factors hinder the growth of the country you know in the past thirty four years china's growth so was pretty strong raftery nine point eight percent per year this is very high growth growth there back in the growth we are not able to maintain for for ever if we slow down i think the two mind the standings good thing. that is called the yeah yeah yeahs throw down because we care more about quality not about the quantity that time the adjustment is necessary for the chinese economy so in your opinion the new government shouldn't be worried about challenging itself to a double digit growth no we should not not to not look for the double digit growth syria has become a stumbling point main stumbling point between china and the united states as well as for russia but you know for russia it's understandable why it would be so
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against the regime change in syria and against chaos in syria because it's a g. geopolitical question for russia why would china quarrel with the united states about a faraway country that's not even on its borders we believe that the matters of the syria should be decided by the syrian people not by the outside force if with outside forces say that i don't like this guy i want him to go to for the chinese these is not acceptable because you are following those you don't elect a leader of this country why should you decide who should stay who should go so we have a problem when these that come statement for china is syria only question of principle there is no other interest in the connecting up syrian president right now he sighs
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and we care about the stability in middle east. china depends on the middle east we import a lot while you're from this region certainly the peace and stability of the east region are very important in the chinese side you know a couple of years ago i heard you say that china will never challenge the united states militarily now that the u.s. is looking to set up elements of its anti-missile defense systems and southern japan will your statement be any different you see us is doing that to my understanding this is the sort of cold cold war is over you know i don't see in the foreseeable future the war between major powers i don't see that we're still in the u.s. some people are very enthusiastic about. military building up
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that time that weapons and new weapon system etc etc but world has changed so u.s. is doing that first thing we chinese were not happy about but we're not we have no means the challenge is certainly as far as china is concerned military was annihilation of defense is part of the china's and modernization program so well we'll proceed our. defense was nice ation was not going to challenge us what happens if the u.s. doesn't sell its elements of anti-missile defense system and thousands japan how does china react to that that's a u.s. decision we are not happy about about it yes we have differences. in this regard doesn't mean that that will be the end of the china u.s. relations. china u.s.
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relations you see you. we have a difference if we have also coming to. pass the forty years china us coming face owing to the satisfaction of both sides on that issue we have differences we can argue about it that was the will not be the end of the u.s. china cooperation china also tops the list of nations holding us for and it's about ten percent of it actually and you know many people still say the future of the dollar is uncertain we don't know what's going to happen to it in the future what she's trying to do about its vast holdings of the u.s. foreign desk why are you china has such a vast vast holding of the u.s. dollars. p. cause in this one. u.s. dollar is most important the reserve currency what else you can use you can buy
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certainly we care about the stability about us dollar depreciation of the u.s. dollar was. course a huge loss for for china but in the meantime we are we are discussing with the u.s. why whether you see is it possible for for china to turn part of our foreign currency reserves into investment what kind of investment would that be for instance in the infrastructure of the us personally i want to us in ninety seven he won't allow time for the first time i was there yeah man. i am me as that time us if we need for a structure a highway everything airport but today i go back to us the infrastructure of us you can see a poor poor shape so in this area china us we can we can i mean cooperate
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you think united states would let invest china into something yesterday chicas its infrastructure the infrastructure use the strategic if we prove the highways strategic what we mean by strategic i think. we improve the source of power station. grade it said well this is not strategic in the beginning of the interior starting saying i started saying us that we don't know much about the new leader of china but it too says china itself has always been a mystery to the outsiders is this how china actually protects itself or do you think it's really a failure to communicate itself to the world on one side you know the chinese touch or. lost. the world today. kim cattrall done amazing what. people understand western culture as far as the chinese touches and
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people can karcher is so important culture the size of people's mindset mindset determines the course of action the chinese culture you see it's a very old culture well i don't very long don't know it yeah there's certainly a lot of interest towards chinese culture why do i not know about that because in the past china was very weak china lags far behind the industrialized countries in the past century we are catching up i think there are side worlds start showing interest in chinese culture you see that's good and one side the chinese target are just far from being known by the outside world as a side we have to use tools of communications to deal you know outside world to have the same clichés they were types looks today look at china in the light of
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the former soviet union but china china china's different people don't know that but i'm not to pessimistic with thanks to opening so many foreigners go to china so many chinese that go abroad every year i think maybe seventy million chinese go abroad some sixty five million following those go to china that's good with that i mean the scale of people to people exchanging people i think outside world come gradually to understand better what's going on in china why do you think the west is always suspicious of china because we have a different systems sometimes they have a they are very suspicious about the chinese communist party. they tend to look at the chinese communist communist party in the light of the former soviet communist party this is that time that you know the ship was quite i mean common in the
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international arena relations sir thank you very much for this interview thank you . alan. thank.
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you. i mean i'm. i'm i'm i'm i'm.
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